Academic offerings include 95 majors, 86 minors, and more than 100 in-major specializations
Students are allowed to migrate from IIU to other universities and from other universities to IIU as per the provisions made in University Academic Regulations. Migration from IIU shall only be allowed after the completion of first year. Such student has to submit the fee of all the pending semesters of the programme.
A student has to apply for refund and withdrawel of admission specifying the circumstances thereto. Migration from IIU shall only be allowed after the completion of first year. Such student has to submit the fee of all the pending semesters of the programme.
There are two hostels, one each for boys and girls. Boy's hostel is located beside the university campus while the Girl's hostel is at Naya Nangal. Both the hostels are equipped with bed, study table, and storage facility..
Medical staff is alwasys available in the IIU campus during the working hours for primary and emergency healthcare of the students and staff. For advanced healthcare, MOU has been signed with a well equipped and managed ultra modern hospital, available one km away from the campus.