Department of Mathematics

Study >Department of Mathematics
About Mathematics

Mathematics and Statistics provide powerful tools for understanding the natural world and human endeavours , ranging of health care to logistics to economics . This coursework masters degree , which include a major research project will take your expertise in Mathematics and Statistics to an advanced level . The master of science ( Mathematics and Statistics ) provides excellent preparation for a specialist role in the workforce or graduate research in the fielde .

  • Bachelor of Science (B.SC)

Honours in Mathematics Duration 3 years course in 6 sems.

  • Master of Science (M.SC) in Mathematics

Duration 2 years course in 4 sems.

Program Outcomes B. Sc
(Hons.) and M.Sc

This undergraduate course in Mathematics would provide the opportunity to the students:

  • To understand the basic laws and explore the fundamental concepts of Mathematics.
  • To carry out experiments to understand the laws and concepts of Mathematics.
  • To apply the theories learnt and the skills acquired to solve real time problems.
  • To acquire a wide range of problem solving skills, both analytical and technical and to apply them.
  • To enhance the student’s academic abilities, personal qualities and transferable skills this will give them an opportunity to develop as responsible citizens.
  • To produce graduates who excel in the competencies and values required for leadership to serve a rapidly evolving global community.
  • To motivate the students to pursue PG courses in reputed institutions.

Programme Specific Outcomes

  • Create a hypothesis and appreciate how it
    relates to broader theories.
  • Evaluate hypotheses, theories, methods and evidence within their proper contexts.
  • Solve complex problems by critical understanding, analysis and synthesis.
  • Demonstrate engagement with current research and developments in the subject.
  • Critically interpret data, write reports and apply the basics of rules of evidence.
  • Select, interpret and critically evaluate information from a range of sources that include books, scientific reports, journals, case studies and the internet.
  • Develop proficiency in the analysis of complex physical problems and the use of mathematical or other appropriate techniques to solve them.
  • Criticize mathematical arguments developed by themselves and others.
  • Communicate effectively by oral, written, computing and graphical means.
  • Recognize the need to engage in lifelong learning through continuing education.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for B.SC(Hons.) Mathematics admission, students need to graduate 10+2 with aggregate marks of 50% with as compulsory subjects. Admission is merit-based most of the time, but some universities hold entrance exams for admission to BSc Maths.

Master of Science (M.SC) Bachelor’s degree of a University established by law in India ( with the subject of study for M.SC as one of the subject ) in 2nd division or with atleast 50 % marks (45% in case of SC/ST candidates ) or Honours in the subject concerned .


Evaluation of students is done by theory and practical course. This is achieved through quizzes , assignments , presentation ,projects ,mid –semester test and final semester test for each student. As vper UGC guidelines 75% attendance in lecture classes in every course is must for appearing in the final semester test .As per academic regulations of IIU , The following marks will be awarded for attendance : 95% and above : 10 marks ,90-94%: 8 marks , 85-89%: 6 marks ,80-84%: 4 marks and 75-79%:2 marks .

Cumulative marks Letter Grade Grade Point
85-100 A 10
70-84 B 8
50-69 C 6
40-49 D 4
0-39 F 0


Mrs. Tanu

  • Post graduate in Mathematics , B.ed